MATH 146 Materials, Winter 2023

In Winter 2023, I was one of the teaching assistant for MATH 146, linear algebra 1.

Here contains some notes and slides I prepared for the tutorials. In particular, for the hangouts, exercises are included.

In the slides, you will see my deadname, please just ignore!

Why Linear Algebra

In this slide, I tried to motivate the notion of linear transformation by trying to find a general formula for Fibonacci sequence.

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Combinatorial Design

In this handout, congruent matrices are introduced to the students, via the mean of a problem from combinatorial design.

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The appendix

Permutation Matrices

In this two tutorial, I defined permutations and permutation matrices associated with them.

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Permutation matrices:
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In this tutorial, I provided an alternative definition of determinants, based on the permutations (in the course we defined determinants recursively using row/column expansion).

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Linear Codes

Here I explained how to use linear algebra to encode messages and detect errors.

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Linear Recursion

In the slides, I tried to explore the seemingly innocent question of when would a linear recurssion eventually be positive.

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